
Draw Close and Celebrate the Feasts of the Coming King

They say a picture points a thousand words, and Jesus taught so many times using pictures or parables.

The whole of the Bible is about God’s dealings with us and did you know the 7 Biblical feasts are a picture of God’s plan for us and how they are all about Jesus. Not only did Jesus celebrate the feasts when He walked the earth, but they are all about Him.

Feasts in the Bible has a special meaning: it means appointed time or season, and also rehearsal.

Rehearsal for what?

Rehearsal so the world might recognise Jesus for who He is and what He is, what He has already done and what He is still to do.

Rehearsal so that we too might rehearse and play our part in the times and seasons He has laid out, and to be ready for Him to return as our Coming King.

Did you know that it’s all about family and harvest?

Each of the feast days is at a particular harvest season. And amazingly the final feasts are about ingathering the final harvest.

Family because a loving Father wants His children with Him.

Consider for a moment that Jesus was the fulfilment of the first 4 feasts.

1) Crucified on the feast of Passover – as our Passover lamb

2) Buried on the feast of unleavened bread – as the only one without sin (bearing our rubbish for us

3) Resurrected on the feast of First Fruits – Jesus was the first fruits from the dead – Death could not hold Him, and will not hold us who believe in Him …. So that we might be saved and forgiven

4) Poured out Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost … So that we might live in the Power and Presence of Holy Spirit, and move in signs and wonders and do what He asked us to do, to share love and the good news, and disciple people to know and follow Jesus Consider for a moment that Jesus – our Coming King – is returning.

That’s what the last 3 feasts are about. Trumpets – our alarm clock – time to wake up Day of Atonement – time to get hearts right with God Tabernacles – the time when we will be with God forever, children enjoying their Father

These pictures as we are beginning to discover give us so much more than a 1000 words. We are truly amazed at God’s plan, His timing, His love and we want to praise Him, love Him more, know Him more and follow Him better.

We are ministries united together to understand and celebrate these feasts.

Cornwall Prayer Initiative (Dave and Maggie Samms)

Dovetail Shalom Ministries (Brenda Taylor)

Call2Come (Mike Pike / Howard Barnes) Also on Facebook

Awake Cornwall (Mike Tait / Mark Hornby

You will find more information on how we intend to pray through the 10 days of Awe 2021 here